Nashville, TN
Atlanta, GA
Professional Nanny Rates
(Gross Hourly Rate. Depending Upon Local Rates)
Chicago, IL
Los Angeles, CA
Omaha, NE
Denver, CO
In addition to the hourly rate, most professional nannies receive the following benefits:​
2 Week Paid Vacation
Paid Holidays
Paid Sick Days
Health Insurance Provided or Stipend
Mileage Reimbursement (On-The-Job Transportation)
​Guarantee Pay & Overtime pay (Time and A-Half)
Annual Bonuses
CPR Certification Reimbursement
Continued Education Reimbursement
Extra Perks
Bi-Weekly Payroll (W-2 Form)
Placement Fees
*We donate a proceed of every Placement Fee to America's KidsBelong to help children in the foster system*
Long-Term Placement
Flat Rate Fee starts at $2,000
3-12 Month Contract
A one-time $300 Search Fee (non-refundable) is required to begin the search. This $300 Search Fee will be Credited back to your account once Long-Term Placement Fee is invoiced.
​Working Agreement/Contract
Welcome Package
Printable Nanny Binder
60 day Replacement Policy
Example of a Long-Term Placement: Full-Time or Part-Time Nanny, Live-In Nanny, Nanny Shares, etc...​

Short-Term Placement
$500 Monthly Fee (can be prorated if needed).
30 days (1 month) and no more than 90 (3 months) Contract
A one-time $300 Search Fee (non-refundable) is required to begin the search.
​Working Agreement/Contract
Welcome Package
Printable Nanny Binder
30 Day Replacement Policy
Example of a Short-Term Placement: Summer Nanny, Newborn Care Specialists
Temporary Placement
One-Time Babysitter (Date Night/Hotel/Airbnb/Vacation Sitter)
​$20 Service Fee paid to agency
3 hour consecutive minimum on all services (If 6 hrs or more are booked, an 6 hr minimum will apply).
​We kindly request that the family pay's for the sitter’s parking by either handing her/his cash, or having her/his validate her/his parking ticket at the front desk so it will be charged to the family's room.
Recurring Babysitter $400 Flat Rate Fee per year
​Best option for family's who need a babysitter 1-5 or more times a month.
​Family will be responsible for paying the sitter’s hourly rate in cash at the end of each day.
All services based on availability.

Babysitting Cancellation Policy ​
​Once we have matched your family with a sitter, if the family decides to cancel their entire reservation (even weeks prior) we will still charge the family's credit card the $20 non-refundable service fee for the agency's time.
12 hour or less cancellation: There is an added $30 cancellation fee. The agency will take out processing fees then give the remainder to the family's sitter. For example: the family's credit card will be charged $75 (the $45 service fee for the company + $30 for the sitter).
4 hours or less cancellation notice: the family will be charged in FULL for the entire shift the family had reserved the sitter for + the $20 company service fee.
Payment Plans
We understand that Nanny Agency Placement Fee's can get expensive. We want to help by providing monthly payment plans for you. Whether if it's a 3 months or 6 months.
Please contact us further regarding payment plans and how we can help you!