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Types Of Nannies


Updated: Jan 25, 2024

Types of nannies

When researching child care options, numerous results come up. Such as: preschools, daycare's, mother’s day out, in-home daycare's and nannies.

Among all those options you have decided that hiring a nanny is the best choice for you and your family! There are a plethora of GREAT reasons to hire a nanny! We will get into that later. As for now we will get into the different types of nannies.

Just like there are numerous child care options. There is a large number of nanny options as well. From detailed childcare nannies, housekeepers, live-in nannies to personal assistance. It is best to get informed about all to decide what bets suits you and your families needs.

Nannies not only have many roles, but there are different types of nannies. Here is a list of the different types.


  • A nanny is someone who is an experienced and well qualified childcare professional. A nannies main responsibility is to care for the child(ren). Meaning their well-being both physical and general. A nanny is someone who educates, organizes fun activities and makes sure that each child is excelling in their developmental age range.

  • Other roles are cooking/meal prep, lighthouse cleaning and laundry, but only for the children.

  • Full-Time Nanny : Monday-Friday, working 32-40+ hours.

  • Part-Time Nanny: Monday-Friday or specific days, working fewer than 32 hours.


Live-In Nanny

  • Resident to your house or accommodations near/around your house. Both food and living expenses are paid for.

  • Live-In Nannies do require their own private bedroom and bathroom.

  • Some families even have a separate floor in their houses only for the nanny. This position is a lot more attractive to candidates looking for a live-in position.

  • Make sure that contracted hours are set. You can not assume the nanny will provide service outside of her contracted hours.

Live-in nanny room.
  • You can set up nights between Monday-Thursday for added babysitting nights. This will help with any child care emergencies that may come about.

  • Note: you are living with another person 24/7, so both parties need to make sure to take a breather when things get a bit tense.

  • With a Live-In Nanny you will want to consider a “visitor policy”.

  • Live-In Nannies tend to be less expensive than Live-Out, but you will have to pay for food and accommodations.

  • A Live-In Nanny is great for parents who have busy schedules or travel a lot. It provides tremendous comfort and peace to know that a trained childcare professional is around 24/7. They are in high demand though!


Summer Nanny

  • Nanny hired for the summer months while child(ren) are out of school.

  • Mainly 2-3 months and typically is a college student who is also out for the summer.

  • The Summer Nanny has the same duties as a Nanny but in a more relaxed schedule.



  • Male Nannies that have the same responsibilities as a Nanny.

  • Some families who have all boys tend to hire a male nanny due to male role model.


Newborn Specialist

  • A Newborn Specialist is a highly trained and specializes in then nurturing and well-being of newborn infants.

  • They help set a sleep schedule for the newborn.

  • They will focus on the infants nutritional needs (this includes recognizing food allergies and intolerance's).

  • They are trained to recognize certain newborn behaviors, appearances and general well-being of an infant.

  • A Newborn Specialist is their to also support the parents, mainly mother, with the transition from pregnancy to birth and care.


Nanny Home Manager/ Personal Assistant

  • A Nanny Household Manager/Assistant not only includes duties of a typical nanny, but they have other duties to keep the household running smoothly.

House manager or personal assistant.
  • Other duties may include: Administrative duties (paying bills, making calls and organizing household calendar), supervising other staff within the household (housekeeper, lawn service, personal chef, etc...), running errands, grocery shopping, doing family laundry, and coordinate family schedules.


Mother’s Helper

  • A Mother's Helper may do some of the duties as a nanny, they are also someone who lacks the experience to be solely left alone with the children.

  • They focus more on assisting and supporting the parents with child related tasks. I would advise not letting them be solely left alone with the children for extended amount of time.

  • Since Mother's Helpers have less experience they tend to be cheaper than a nanny.


Nanny Educator/Tutor

  • Personal/private in-home teacher who has classroom experience and teaching credentials.

  • Nanny Educator helps develop age appropriate curriculum and teaching plans for the school year in accordance with the local school system.

  • Families are recommended to supply all the tools and utensils to support the Nanny Educator as he/she teaches the children.

Tutor helping a child.
  • They will be responsible to progress reports and evaluations that align with the local school board and age.

  • They will assist with children's homework and complete classroom projects.

  • If the child has an online learning program than the Nanny Educator will be responsible in managing technology used.

  • They are in charge of all deadlines, schedules, websites, log-in information, etc... used for online leaning.


Nanny Housekeeper

  • This is a nanny who not only looks after the well-being of the children, but will also do more in regards to family meals, house cleaning, and laundry.

  • This also means that your child will not get as much one-on-one time due to the nannies other duties.

  • It is probably best to hire a Nanny Housekeeper when the children are school aged. This is so that the nanny can care for your children during the morning and evening time, but are able to complete domestic duties while the children are at school.


Shared Nanny

  • Shared Nanny between 2 or more families. Families can either split the time with the nanny or have one location for all kid(s). Reasonable priced and good for both parents!

  • Click down below to learn more about Nanny Shares!


Night Nanny

  • A Nanny that works the overnight hours to help assist and take over to care for newborn or child(ren). This is good for parents who are away at night or need a break and sleep.

  • A Night Nanny will help with bottle feeding, nursing help and burping.

  • They help change the babies diaper and bathing the newborn appropriately.

  • They help with sleeping and feeding schedules.


Au Pair

  • This is someone who comes from another country and is typically younger.

  • The Au Pair does a range of childcare and domestics duties in exchange for lodging and some spending money. This position is for their cultural experience.

  • Au Pairs are NOT qualified in childcare, but they will assist in childcare duties. Such as; take them to school, entertain them, do light housekeeping and cooking (children only).

  • This is a cultural experience for the Au Pair. Meaning learning the native language and culture with her time off.

  • Au pairs can work a maximum of 10 hours a day and 45 hours per week.

  • The minimum payment of an Au Pair per week is $195.75, but the employer can pay more if they choose to.

  • Other fees to consider if deciding on an Au Pair are: Auto insurance for Au Pair if they drive your car. Travel costs to facilitate attendance at education classes and Au Pair gatherings. Expenses associated with room and board for your Au Pair. Optional incidentals such as cell phones.

  • An Au Pair can give you and your family cultural experience as well.

We will love to help you find the perfect nanny for you and your family!

Child with red bow waiting for her nanny.

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